Tuesday, February 28

the COVETEUR// Bulgari Archive

You have heard of the Coveteur haven't you? 

My recent immersion into the world of precious metals and beautiful jewels has already had an impact on my content consumption. I will admit that I never gave jewellery the time of day little-lone the attention that it truely deserves... now I find my eye drawn to an entire world of unbeknownst brand names and sparkle. Today landed me on the Coveteur ogling the archives of Bulgari, I highly suggest you read on here

Saturday, February 25


I finally found the trench I want to own. I've never had one and that seems odd considering I live in Ottawa, a city that sees it's fair share of rainy days. 

Wednesday, February 22

Monday, February 20

Friday, February 17

Little kicks of neon are right up my alley. 

Thursday, February 16


Or this..



My roommate, Logan cuts the legs off an old school chalk board that was later mounted to the wall in our living room. The house is becoming a home.


Tuesday, February 14

Monday, February 13

Sunday, February 12


I finally got around to uploading the few remaining photo from our trip to Europe this morning. Not that I forgot how delicious these little beauties below were but seeing them again has me yearning for another bite - preferable a rose flavoured one if at all possible. 

Saturday, February 11


Living with my fashionable cousin Hannah in Switzerland has me longing for some fancy sneakers for my weekend wanders around Ottawa. Now if I could only decide on a black pair...


There is nothing better then not being in a rush to get out of bed. 


It's too easy to gripe and complain about what we as consumers have done to the concept of Valentine's Day (read: the giant plush animals holding hearts in their mouth's and the love shaped confectionary). They keep making these things year after year because someone is buying them, right?

I think Valentine's Day is a nice reminder to go out of your way and do something for whomever you care about: girlfriend, boyfriend, parent, sibling, best friend- whatever. We've all taken someone for granted at a point in our existence and we are therefor all responsible for ensuring that it does not become a habit. I think Valentine's Day should be looked at as a simple reminder of that. Yes you should be doing nice things for others throughout the year, but are you? With comfort comes laziness and that laziness can be responsible for the destructions of something great if you are not careful.

So ditch all things heart shaped dust collectors this year and try a more heartfelt approach. Perhaps even try spending a night without a cell phone glued to your hand while in the company of those you care about... then again that might be a little too crazy for you this year. 

Monday, February 6

Sunday, February 5


You can learn more about him here


Check out these two on Tumblr here.

Friday, February 3

“Things are sweeter when they’re lost. I know—because once I wanted something and got it. It was the only thing I ever wanted badly…And when I got it it turned to dust in my hands.” 
- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned
Yep, I think this came seconds after Jessica tried to explain model face to us.

Thursday, February 2